Exploratory Listening Labs

The Labs provide a space to learn from each otherโ€™s experiences. Offers the opportunity to meet others facing similar challenges. You hear alternatives for the strategies you have used so far. You share stories. Together you explore what the many roads towards your goal could be. Leave with insights and energy for your journey.

Please scroll down to discover how you can help us co-design our first labs!

Focus for Upcoming Exploratory Listening Labs

We'll learn from people serving as examplars for these roles. Then move into small groups to explore how each role might apply to our own circumstances. To participate in the design these offerings, please scroll down to see how you can get involved!

Help us grow our ideas into treasured offerings

Please share a few thoughts on the
8 roles for walking paths to peace.


Sharing with kindred spirits creates a flow of learning within the circle.

The space provides an opening for: 

  • Grace as you feel yourself surrounded by new resources 
  • Gratitude for the community's dedication to your success
  • Joy as you master tools supporting your life-long learning journey
  • Ethical presence that guides the wisdom of your choices 
  • Balance within yourself, others and your environment

50% Complete

Two Step

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