Self-Guided Mentoring

A rare mix of Old and New Eyes Wisdom at your fingertips. 

Only you know how you learn, what you want to learn and who you’d like to learn from.

Mentors are versed in knowing ways to move towards health in your life, work and community. Ancient and emerging wisdoms.

Maybe you’d want to support a young person in your area. Maybe you’d want to connect with an elder or a peer who could provide perspective to your circumstances.  

Find the right mentor on the right topic in the right community in a flash!

We are designing a networking platform for our learning community.

   We will be able to find each other any time, any place, at the click of a button!


""7th Generation helped me get past my comfort zones to work toward my passion. They introduced me to mentors who helped me learn how to run a meeting smoothly and how to create goals and enlist volunteer help. They created a safe place for me to learn skills from community members as well as make more connections within my community." "

Jamie Pettit
Community Volunteer

 Now we want to expand it to people and organizations anywhere who are creating a future that works for all beings.

Youll be able to find someone in your geographic or interest area to learn new skills or find moral support.

Bring your gifts alive by learning your way into the future with kindred spirits!

Your tax deductible donations will help make this initiative a reality.

7th Generation Labs is a fiscally sponsored project of Inquiring Systems, Inc., a non-profit, EIN: 94-2524840

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Sustaining Sponsor
9 monthly payments of $10

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Foundational Contributor

Your contribution hastens our progress!

Exceptional Benefactor for Others

Your contribution ensures our success!

If you have insights on strategies for our fundraising or can contribute a larger amount,  please contact Stephanie Nestlerode at [email protected]

50% Complete

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